Monday, June 27, 2011


So I worked for the department of corrections for over 6 years and even enjoyed my job. After all of my time there I felt unappreciated and like the state could care less about my existence. I was passed over for promotion more times then I can remember and even had officers I had trained get promoted before me. I would ask what I needed to do to get a promotion and would always be told I need more experience. I began to wonder how I didn't have enough being that I was a training officer and even helped the captain on my shift make a new training plan for new officers. I finally left corrections for a different career path and it was the best decision I have ever made. I have been here now for 13 months and it had seemed to go by in a blink. I have been promoted twice in that time (for you corrections people I am the equivalent of a LT) and feel like I am apart of a team. We are not perfect, but I know that everyone has my back and I have theirs. After all my time in corrections I never really felt like I was apart of a team and that has a lot to do with the reason I am not there anymore too. I am so happy to have finally found something I love to do, something I do not have to force myself to go to everyday.

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